It’s your special day. Make it unique and show your guests that you care by using your celebration as a chance to highlight a cause that’s important to you.
Alternative wedding list
If you’re creating a wedding list consider giving your guests the option to buy Our Gifts for Life alongside the traditional plates and glasses. With motorcycle training, tools, parts or fuel for health workers in Africa on offer it’s a nice way to show what you and your spouse-to-be are all about.
Ask for donations
If you don’t feel the need to ask for gifts why not ask for donations instead. All you need to do is create a JustGiving page. Put a description of why Two Wheels is important to you with a link on the invite. You could also display a pretty donation box on the day. While most people will love the idea don’t make it essential. If people want to choose you a gift instead, let them!
Main photo – Jenny Russell wedding photo – Unsplash